DOWN UNDER – update 1
The weather remained spectacular today. But not the ideal conditions for the marlin bite. Light North winds and strong full moon current historically make for slow fishing on the edge. So we have to wait it out. The forecast is for things to get back to it’s normal fishy self in a few days time. Meanwhile, we try to stay entertained. This morning we anchored down and went for a swim on the reef. The reef is alive! Lots of critters and someone living in every hole in the coral. Even got to swim down and touch a Giant Clam once the Whitetip sharks moved on.
While Tim was paddling back to the boat with our lunch in tow, a small Bull Shark thought he would help himself. Some fast thinking saved the day and our lunch. That shark was onto something, turns out Coral Trout are delicious.
Stephan takes advantage of every moment to get in some fishing. Here is a big stick bait, loaded up for a big cast.
His diligence pays off with a perfect bait sized Scaley Mackeral.
Our fearless leader Tim in his office. We pounded the waters in front of Ribbon #7 today, no sightings, no bites.