Posted in published on March 6th, 2010 by Scott

The North Drop in the British Virgin Islands gives up another cover photo. This months shot came while I was riding along on a familiar platform, the 58′ Revenge Custom Yacht. It’s kinda rare that I get to film a lure caught fish any more with most every team pitch baiting every opportunity. So I really welcomed this bite and was delighted that it stayed on and then jumped in range of my camera. Many thanks to Sam and Jon for the ride, and always grateful to Mike, Dean, and Ryan for letting me run around their office and do my thing. The only bad part of this cover photo is that when this magazine issue was going to print, someone dropped the ball and put the wrong photo credit on the title page. So this lovely creature is misidentified as a Black Marlin and the photo is credited to some other chap.

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Posted in published on January 17th, 2010 by Scott

The fishing this Fall along the Mid Atlantic coast proved to be some of the best White Marlin fishing the area has seen in many years. Just when many indications showed the White Marlin population was in dire straights, they bite like crazy in incredible numbers. I sure hope it doesn’t cause anyone or any group to give up on the need for continued efforts to conserve or protect these animals. If you’ve been fortunate enough to fish a good White Marlin bite when it’s going down, I think you’ll agree that it is truly something special. When the boys at Marlin Magazine called to tell me about a whitey piece that Charles Perry sent in, I didn’t hesitate to bounce a few keepers off their screens. Lucky for me they were hoping to make this the main feature of the issue and even selected one of my shots to lead it off. This cover capture was from a seven day shoot I spent aboard the Prime Time with Capt. Butch Cox. If there is a nicer, talented, or more accommodating host to fish with, I have yet to meet that person. My thanks to Butch and his crew, along with angler Joe Zimmer, for the opportunity to bring it home. Image 1471-023 shot at 1/1000 @ f5.6.

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Posted in published on November 12th, 2009 by Scott

magazine cover

The November issue of Marlin Mag is out and it’s a nice one. This small St. Thomas fish ate a circle hook pitch Bonita behind the Revenge and jumped all over the ocean. This was the last day of a long stretch for Sam, Jon, and the boys during the August moon. And what a stretch it was, having just won the Boy Scout Tournament for best boat and best angler days before. Thank you for another great day on the North Drop.

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